There are not many troops in Lin’s mixed Inca swarm. There are a group of pompoms and a few other arms here to observe the battle, while most troops are still flying outside the ship.


Because Lin thinks … they may have reinforcements coming.
Although there is no response yet.
Now the fluffy balls and a group of flying insects came to the warehouse.
Flying insects bite these golden boxes where the goods are placed, and they all become a pile of fragments, while the contents are well preserved. Some pompoms are left here for research, while the rest continue to March with the insects.
The busy golden objects in the original ship are constantly escaping deep, and the swarm is chasing these things. The passage of the ship feels like a maze, but you won’t get lost if you have a goal to follow.
Lin, some pompoms followed a group of insects into the deepest place. These insects were chasing a group of golden squares flying rapidly. They kept going around the passage as if they wanted to throw away the insects, but the Inca swarms kept pouring in, occupying every passage so that they could escape to the depths.
Lin suddenly felt a strange feeling when the pompoms and the swarm chased them through a corner ahead. The pompoms immediately retreated and hid in the swarm.
Bang!’ In front of the velvet ball, the swarm suddenly rang and stopped. When the swarm in front suddenly fell to the ground, the golden objects that had been fleeing suddenly showed their counterattack.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-four Invasion
Covered with armor and shining with golden brilliance, the body is more than ten meters long, and it is like a bullet body with six pairs of neat gold legs to support the golden structure, which is like a shield to block the swarm.
This thing is the first’ creature’ that the Inca swarm and Lin attacked this ship.
It looks like a’ warhead’ made by Lin Qian, and its attack mode is …’ Bang!’
Rhythmic sounds keep ringing, and the swarm in Lin’s field of vision is just like being torn apart by something. The carapace shell of the body breaks down a little bit and splashes out with dirt and blood until the body is completely fragmented.
See the number of small pipes at the front end of the golden warhead protruding from the round head.
It can be seen clearly when shooting the wool ball through these small pipes, and it can instantly emit a large number of crystal fragments, which are extremely fast and seem to have the high temperature to instantly penetrate the carapace of the insect group.
But the swarm won’t stop moving
More swarms of insects poured in, only a golden warhead was a way to stop them from advancing …
Boom!’ I don’t know what exploded in front of the swarm, and a large number of insect bodies were suddenly hit by the blast wind and the walls on both sides of the channel.
There are some luminous spherical objects floating in the sight.
This thing is a bit like atmospheric creatures rolling thunder, but they are not creatures, but real … thunder.
At the moment when the crystal fragments are scattered again, Lin’s fluff balls are torn apart by several crystals together with the surrounding insects, and Lin’s vision here is also lost.
At the same time, another group of advancing insects in the passage also encountered problems.
There are also a large number of pompoms in this swarm, which follow a group of beetles with big horns and crash into everything in front of them. They hit the alloy wall of the energy channel and leave a pit. There is almost nothing to stop them.
After passing through the corner of a passage, there are a lot of strange lights in front of them, which stand upright on the ground and extend to the top of the passage …
The swarm didn’t stop, and several beetles continued to maintain their previous speed and rushed over.
And the ground stood up and the light rushed at almost the same speed.
Cut!’ The moment the beetle touched the light, the light flashed across the beetle’s body. With the beetle’s body, it was like being split from the center, and each half of the body fell in different directions.
At the same time, the beetles are almost the same.
They have either their limbs cut off or a part of their bodies cut off, and the dirt keeps pouring out from the broken parts.
The swarm just stopped. They kept retreating back. When they left this passage, the light didn’t follow …
Besides these two places, there are other places that have also encountered some situations.
Boom!’ There was a loud noise and a group of flying insects were crushed to a paste by great force.
In front of them is a huge golden structure, which is like a monster with a huge mouth. It blocks the whole passage and all the swarms that rush past will be crushed by it in an instant.
In addition to these large gold structures, there are many small structures appearing everywhere in the ship passage.
These small structures are shaped like a flying cylinder. They are two meters long, but they can emit light and use some weapons to attack.
There are a large number of Inca swarms in their ship passages, and there are battles everywhere.
It seems that the’ creator’ finally fought back.
Observing the whole battle, Lin felt that their counterattack speed was much slower.
It was not until the swarm went deep into the ship that they formed an effective counterattack.
Moreover, Lin feels that this ship has no commander, and everything here is a golden structure as far as it is concerned.
They are all controlled by money controllers. Lin hasn’t seen the’ creator’ before …
Looking at these creatures gave Lin a feeling.
There may be no’ creator’ from the beginning, and everything is a group of controllers.
This group of controllers does seem to be deliberately cultivated by some creatures, but there are other possibilities that they may be a group of creatures with high intelligence.
If you want to know the answer, you must defeat them …

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