As soon as this statement came out, it was immediately attached to the heads of those medium-sized sects, and even many large sects rose to support it. At that time, Li Chengzhu acted as the leader of the League of Immortals, and the words shook up.


Boss Li scratched his head with a smile on his face. It’s hard to imagine a Luo Tianxian still scratching his head, but this movement makes Boss Li look more cordial at the moment.
Li Chengzhu held out her belly and held out her hands to suppress the boiling crowd. With a kind smile on her face, she said slowly, "Everybody be quiet and listen to me."
The boiling crowd gradually settled down to thousands of pairs of eyes staring at the countertop.
Li Chengzhu scanned the left and right sides with a dry cough, and said in a pretentious way, "I can understand the feelings of fellow Taoist friends, but let Li be the leader of the alliance when it is established."
Luo Sihai and Li Pian-yu, who were eager to move, heard the news and shocked them. They really didn’t expect this shameful person to let the duck fly.
Isn’t that why he called this grand meeting? There is no reason for the masses to give up when they are shouting loudly, and they still take the initiative to give up, which really makes them puzzled.
Ye Dashuai frowned and thought for a long time before he showed a knowing smile.
This little sinister is really sinister.
Seeing that the bottom people protested gradually, Boss Li hurriedly continued, "Listen to me for reasons. One is that Li has now been promoted to Luo Tianxian, and he is no longer a cultivator. If I am allowed to be the leader, there will be no problem, but it is neither fish nor fowl. The other is that Li wants to cultivate the immortal world and do his part. In the future, it is natural to need all Taoist friends to bring a lot. If I have this discussion, I will sit in the leader’s seat. Even if someone wants to say that I have ulterior motives, I am Li Chengzhu. Although stupid, I don’t want to get into a SAO. If you really have the will to set up an alliance, you can organize it yourself and count me as a member of the alliance, and everyone will no longer be. "
Seeing Li Chengzhu’s refusal, no matter how refined the boss is, he can’t see any expression on his face.
Boss Li, of course, sincerely doesn’t want to be the leader. What leader? Are you really a public servant of the celestial police when you are an albizzian?
If you really become the leader, not to mention a lot of big and small things, how many big events will not break out in those immortal sects? When the time comes, the leader of the alliance will bow in person, so don’t you busy yourself to death? Moreover, being the leader means paying for the cultivation of immortality, and sitting in this position means that a bowl of water in the cultivation of immortality should be leveled. Where can I get benefits by myself?
How can big boss Li do such a silly job?
No longer pay attention to all the people at the end. Li Chengzhu nodded slightly to one person in Taiwan and then said, "I want to take this opportunity to announce an important news."
Accompanied by Li Chengzhu sound, a gentle and graceful figure walked slowly down the stage.
Knowing this person, my eyes suddenly popped out. Isn’t this Lin Fan, the owner of Brahma Valley, who participated in the siege of Phantom Sword Sect?
I heard that Li Chengzhu destroyed Wumen and maimed Qitian Pavilion, but he showed mercy to Brahma Valley.
At the moment, look at Lin Fan’s little face, blushing and complicated mind. People have turned their brains.
Japanese, this lecherous and lustful albizzia patriarch won’t get rid of the Brahma Valley Lord, will he? No wonder the second hand is merciful.
Many leaders have already considered choosing a talented and handsome younger brother from the sects when they go back. It is better to contact this Luo Tianxian in the future.
Lin Brahman walked on the table and then turned to the bottom of thousands of people’s heads, silently standing on the edge of Li Chengzhu. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the eyes of the founder who stood on the edge of the fire phoenix and flashed a trace of gloom.
"Today, I am going to form an alliance with another sect, the second sect after the Magic Sword Sect, which is the Brahma Valley!" Boss Li didn’t say something unpleasant the other day, so he ordered the theme.
Several people’s eyes are burning.
Alliance with the Acacia Sect. How much do they yearn for this?
However, they also know that the threshold of the Acacia Sect is too high. Without strength and sincerity, it is impossible to enter the eyes of Li Chengzhu, which he can see when he is dealing with different people.
But Brahma Valley has this honor at the moment. The Acacia League honor. Why don’t these leaders be jealous?
He? It’s easy to handle affairs with a beautiful woman in charge. Many people are sour in their hearts.
"I am the patriarch of Li Chengzhu Albizia, and I swear that today Albizia belongs to the Brahma Valley Alliance. In the future, Brahma Valley will never abandon honor and disgrace and live and die together. The enemy of Brahma Valley is my enemy of Albizia, and the friend of Brahma Valley is my friend of Albizia. Please be a witness!"
Lin Vatican squeezed out a smile and ruthlessly despised this overbearing man in front of him.
While everyone was staring at Lin Fan, waiting for her to speak, this quiet woman knelt down and took out a sigh instrument from the ring. Her hands were held high above her head, and the sound was clear and bright all over the venue. "Lin Fan, the owner of Brahma Valley, vowed that in the future, Brahma Valley would submit to Acacia, and everything would be listened to by Acacia leaders."
There are just a few words, but the impact is bigger than the huge field, and everyone feels his heart jump suddenly.
The scene was strangely quiet again.
Everyone who heard these words couldn’t believe it.
How is this different from the alliance ceremony … It’s more like a loyalty ceremony.
Sighing Qin is the symbol of Brahma Valley. Since the establishment of Brahma Valley, it has been the representative of the Valley Master from generation to generation. Lin Fan took it out at this moment to prove his sincerity.
Boss Li has a smile on his lips. All this is naturally planned by him.
That’s what I made when I released Brother Sanskrit.
Boss Li never does anything that doesn’t pay off. Although Lin Fan, a woman, feels very special to him, his personal feelings can’t be compared with those of Hehuan’s future.
Being loyal by others is not the same as being effective by yourself. At this moment, seeing the dementia of those owners, Boss Li will know that his plan has achieved results.
"Forest Valley Master" Li Chengzhu put on a look of regret. "Is this necessary?"
Lin Brahman stared at him without a trace, then lowered his head and replied, "A few days ago, Lin Brahman was not sensible, thanks to Li Zongzhu’s leniency, and my three thousand brothers were reborn. After Lin Brahman’s discussion and Presbyterian research, it was decided that Brahma Valley would submit to Acacia in the future and only listen to Li Zongzhu’s teachings."
I can’t help it. The price has already come out. Either 3,000 brothers will destroy the Brahma Valley or submit.
Having seen Li Chengzhu’s tactics, the Presbyterian church has to agree to this humiliating condition
Boss Li is acting like an abnormal justice, exhorting Lin Fan that his tone is sincere enough to move people. Many people are not worthy of the Brahma Valley, but Lin Fan is like eating the weight and determined to submit to the Acacia Sect.
In the end, "forced" Li Chengzhu agreed to Lin Fan’s submission, and naturally some protective measures and benefits were involved in a series of passionate and generous words.
However, the most exciting thing for those leaders is the joint practice of acacia Sect.
Chapter 55 Operator paper storm

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