You can see that every second, Jade Duxiu is all over her body. If there is a Hui sword dancing, she will cut off her past second and fall into that past body.


Now jade alone shows no cause and effect.
Chapter 314 The last battle of the mountain again
Looking at the past in front of you, Jade Duxiu smiled gently, and the past was also a gentle smile. Jade Duxiu gradually overlapped and the two became one.
"This feeling is really good. It seems that all causes and effects are instantly eliminated without shackles." Jade Duxiu silently realized that it seems that this world has become different at this time.
Everything in this world has never had a cause and effect, even a plant has a cause and effect, but it happened that Jade Duxiu became a beheading III and chopped off the past.
All cause and effect happened in the past, and that cause and effect naturally returned to the past.
Even the godfather can’t be above the world without dust, otherwise, where will the gods fight?
"Ha, ha, ha, this beheading of the third body is really mysterious. Previously, there were many causes and effects, but at this time, all causes and effects were attributed to the past, and the body was wonderful." Jade Duxiu laughed at the sky.
Just then the footsteps of the mountain sounded, but Sun Chi walked quickly up the mountain, "Congratulations to the master for his success."
Jade Duxiu nodded slightly and counted it together. Three months later, after decades of planning, this chop III body can now be regarded as the accumulation and arrangement of the previous decades. It is a matter of course, so it is normal to calculate the mysterious method for three months. After all, it has been accumulated for decades before.
"Get up. Is there anything important happening in the mountains recently?" Jade Duxiu looked at Sun Chi.
Sun Chi nodded, "Zhang Jiaotong has been here before, and it seems that he has been turned back by the villain for something to find his master."
Jade Duxiu slightly pondered, "It must be Zhang Jiao who asked me for something. It seems that Taiping Road has made a decision. It’s our mountain."
"You just stay here and wait for me."
Jade Duxiu suddenly showed her figure in front of the palm teaching hall. Jade Duxiu took a few steps to the palm teaching hall and gave a ceremony to "see palm teaching"
Zhang Jiao is facing away from his father, like hearing Jade Duxiu’s words, but behind him, he is staring at Jade Duxiu’s eyes, and it seems that he wants to see the flowers.
"What do you want to see? Brother, is there anything wrong with "Jade Duxiu smiled gently.
Zhang Jiao shook his head to reveal a strange color. "I always feel that you are different before, but I can’t see where it is different."
Jade Duxiu smiled without a word.
Zhang Jiao said, "I sent someone for you the next time. I heard that you were closed, but I didn’t expect to come out in three months."
The highest monk in the front of the Daliang Kingdom could not reach the peak of three disasters, and some three disasters, such as a wonderful place, were pinned down.
I don’t believe at all that Jade Duxiu sneered at this sentence. Are the five old guys in Yi Dao not masters? It’s definitely a wonderful place, old man
However, Jade Duxiu now has a few magic weapons to protect himself, even if he encounters a crisis, he can get away smoothly, and he doesn’t care about teaching words.
Looking at Yu Duxiu’s palm teaching is meaningful. "I have reached an agreement with more than a few clans in Taiping Road. The World War I will decide the outcome. If we can beat each other without temper, the two sides will stop there. If we can’t resist each other’s offensive, I will stand firm in Taiping Road in the future."
Jade Duxiu knows that several clans can’t really push Taiping Dao out of the middle domain. The middle domain is the center of Terran destiny. If you are forced out of the middle domain Taiping Dao, it is equivalent to being kicked out. What else is Taiping Dao playing? Why don’t we just break the table with the larger foe? After all, several clans don’t want to suffer heavy casualties because of Taiping Road.
"When is the decisive battle?" Yudu Dukou way
Touch your eyebrows. "You haven’t decided yet. Go to Daqi to sit in the town. Now that you are out of the war, the war will be decided soon."
Jade Duxiu nodded and turned around and walked out of the hall. He just stepped out of the threshold of the hall but stopped. "Where are Liang Yuan and others now?"
"You’ve already gone to Daliangguo first, and Xue Ju followed." The last few words of Zhang Jiao aggravated the accent.
Jade Duxiu spotted him. He always felt that something was wrong with the Xue family, but he couldn’t find anything wrong. There was nothing unusual except taking out the treasure that day to redeem Xue Ju.

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