President Zhang: "Oh, it’s okay. It’s also a good thing that this monster is always lost. You are all okay and have accumulated a lot of emergency attendance experience …"


Mo Xing: "The people who accept the team are not allowed to explain the details of tonight’s action!"
Qi cheng dong jiao xing sheng Tuan Zhao Jia manor
Mrs. Zhao: "Lao Zhao, it’s been more than a week, and I’m hungry. You should be embarrassed, too. I have to wait for him to give me my unique cultivation method after dinner. It’s a bit too much to say flowers again, but isn’t it a little too much to pay for us? Xiao Fang, this child is really honest, but if someone else has the heart, he won’t think of collecting money."
Zhao Xiangwen: "How long has it been since I just finished eating? Didn’t you say that you can eat once a month when you practice that tactic on the second floor?" Money is nothing. At most, we don’t let Xiao Fang break the food materials from our group in the past, but it’s tiring to make people busy once a day and once a week … "
"Ah, ah, it’s awkward to stop. I’m going to make a call. I’m going to make a call …"
Liu Yao came from the second floor. "What is Dad going to type?"
Mrs. Zhao stopped. "Shake it, don’t go out and practice the piano at home these two days. Your father and I are going to finish a very difficult thing. Our family will have a future …"
Liu Yao "Oh, the sauce is purple. I heard mom say that after dinner, Mr. Fang is going to invite you to dinner again."
Mrs. Zhao: "That’s a hundred steps to live to ninety-nine after dinner. Don’t you hurry to practice the piano to eat? I told Oh Mom and them to make you your favorite food, so we’ll go first …"
Zhao Zong "Ha ha …"
Willow shake "oh, I see …"
Mrs Zhao threw a look at Lao Zhao and hurried away.
Zhao Zongling
A Mercedes-Benz and a full-time Zhao driver are driving steadily.
Zhao Zong has made a few words to ask several local employees to prepare all kinds of ingredients first, all of which are pure natural and green pollution produced by their group manor without adding preservatives …
Finally, manager Zhao raised his words and wanted to dial a certain number. After thinking about it, he put it back, and then the sharp eyes of the lady next to him picked it up again.
Mrs. Zhao: "It’s 1 o’clock in the afternoon, and we have to set aside time to eat tea after dinner …"
Finally, I gritted my teeth and dialed a number.
The phone rang opposite the bell "Xi shua shua ….."
The bell rang for a long time. "Please redial later when the call is temporarily answered."
Zhao Zong "…"
Mrs. Zhao quietly stroked Lao Zhao’s ear with one hand. "What’s the matter?"
Zhao Zong wondered and suddenly realized, "Oh, I see. It must be that the child can’t hear the bell because he is playing games and playing stereo."
Mrs. Zhao " ? ?”
Zhao Zong "Don’t worry, I QQ him. He and the guild members in the game are all QQ."
Mrs. Zhao was delighted. "Yes, Lao Zhao has a lot of kung fu."
Zhao Zong played mobile QQ, and sure enough, this time he successfully contacted Fang Ning with mobile QQ. He skillfully typed and asked Hou Fangning.
Zhao Zong "Hello Xiaofang"
Fang Ning "Hello Zhao Zong"
Fang Ning wants to finish the line quickly, and the uncle city will be taken away by others. Uncle Tong is now very strict, and it is not easy to get some gold secretly. I was driven away in a week.
Zhao Zong: "Oh, it’s like this. I told you that the bitch awakened the dragon girl’s blood and actually realized a set of special cultivation methods."
Fang Ning "I heard that the practice of uniting is very precious, so congratulations once more. If you have nothing to say, I’ll go first. I’m still busy."
Zhao Zong, why are you busy? I can’t guess. I’m sure I’ll play!
One side is looking at the QQ message on the mobile phone. Mrs. Zhao "This is not bad. I am not tempted to hear the special practice."
Zhao Zong: "He knows how to play with his heart. He has no mind to spend a lot of time practicing. If he knows that you have to practice for 9 hours a day, you will need a lot of food to supplement your consumption at a certain time, and you may not be able to get started. He is even less likely to practice."
Mrs. Zhao: "It seems that I said before that he is indeed a wonderful work, which makes me feel more at ease. He can’t be one of those people who will do whatever it takes to cultivate the mind."
Zhao Zong: "It is absolutely impossible that he is so lazy. Is it possible that he is so worried about finding his own guilt?"
Mrs. Zhao is a smile. "This is simple. I have an idea. You should say something about dinner at once."
Zhao Zong "it’s hard to say. People are not rare."
Mrs. Zhao: "Fool, just say that you need to eat once a week after you practice being light-skinned and healthy, so you can play games when you eat." Besides, you will have more time to play after you can live forever. "
Zhao Zong’s "Lady’s Opinion"
When they said these words, they didn’t care about the driver at all, and the driver kept his eyes on the car as if he hadn’t heard it.

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