Today, this fat sheep is different from others in his view. Seeing the strength of these companions around him, he is still scared to kill himself with both hands.


To his surprise, the little look on the opposite side was extremely calm, and the corners of his mouth were faintly ironic, as if the robbed object had been replaced by them.
Suddenly, a raging anger rose in Gou Liu’s heart, and no one dared to look at him like this when he came from Cheng Xuanyuan’s outside cousin to kill the city.
This little guy is simply dying to give him a hard time, but now he has to die to calm his anger.
If the vicious thoughts in six hearts suddenly waved and said, "Don’t leave your hand for me to die." Those accomplices behind him were in a flash, holding all kinds of weapons and screaming and rushing forward.
Meng Fei shook his head slightly no longer when they wave at large step instantaneous display to turn a green rainbow rushed into the crowd.
Listen for a while. Bang, bang, bang.
Meng Fei didn’t move any weapon. His fist was comparable to an extremely fine weapon. After several life and death wars, it was broken, and the tenacity of the flesh was broken again. It reached the point where he could grab a weapon with his bare hands.
And now he also wants to try his own strength accumulated over the past few days to what extent. Now, these people will send the door to him, but he will not let go.
He is now full of fists and rocks. Although he has gathered most of his strength, punching to the flesh still makes those looters resist.
In less than ten minutes, those people are already crying loudly.
What do you want? I’m telling you, although this killing city advocates killing, you mustn’t mess around. If you touch me, you will die and look ugly.
If you are afraid of him, you can’t see this person moving several hands and have been cleanly knocked to the ground. How can this small speed be so horrible?
Meng Fei smell speech is a cold smile or nonsense. His body moves directly and punches him in the nose to blow him away for several feet.
These people would have died long ago if they didn’t want to come here and kill people and make enemies.
Eyes swept around and saw that no one had entered here. Meng Fei ransacked all these people and got two or three hundred killing points. He shook his head slightly and strode to the end of the dark alley.
However, seeing the figure after breathing several times is disappearing.
Eldest brother, are you all right? Wait until Meng Fei walks far away and lies on the ground. Those gangsters are limping and trembling, and they will help their eyes with fear.
Just now, this man was unfathomable. Fortunately, the other side didn’t have a killer, otherwise they would be dead.
Boss, what should we do about this? XuanYuanzong people have never been here, and they are not used to being bored. The cold mans eyes of that thin man flashed a vagina.
If six smell speech eyes flashing for a moment, then fierce mans flashing way to find less patriarch, he ransacked dozens of novices to get this killing point, which can be used to have a good time.
But I didn’t expect to be ransacked by Meng Fei today, which made him willing to Chapter 192 Doyle’s auction house.
Those hunters who are guarding the city gate are all super-remembered. At this time, they were startled to see that Meng Fei walked easily from that dark alley.
Look, isn’t that the fat sheep that was just taken away by the thin ghost? Why are you here now?
Who knew that maybe this guy didn’t have a killing point at all, and he was let go after being beaten by thin ghosts for a while.
Maybe, but why doesn’t he have any scars?
Shh, stop it. This man is coming.
Meng Fei’s eyes twinkled in these eyes, and he did not speak when he swept away. When he touched it in his arms, he took two drops of bright red liquid and said, I want to be a guide. Which of you can best kill these two points? It is him.
Two killing points
Is to act as a guide
The several uniting the eyes a convex fundus immediately emit hot color.
Brother has been here for decades, but he is very familiar with everything here.
I don’t know why you’ve only been here for months. If it weren’t for my brother taking you, Nima would still be bragging about getting the hell out of here and stealing old business. I’ll be your guide and guarantee your guests.
Bing, my ass, you must want to take this brother to your lair and rob others. Come with me, brother. I have been here for years, at least. I know some secret shops, although they are not famous, but the contents are absolutely the same.
Brother, come with me. I know where the black market in the killing city is. When these practitioners get excited, they clap their chests and introduce themselves. After all, there are two killing points.
It’s almost enough for them to spend half a month, but they have to fight hard

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