"Ha ha …"


Chen Han sat on the dragon’s paw and laughed loudly. He pointed to Jiang Du Shen Mu and said, "Idiot, I’m afraid your celestial god has been dead for N years. The person you worship is just a dead man!"
"Eight honks!"
"You are only eight honks, and your whole family is eight honks!"
Let’s go!’
Knowing that there was Ying Long’s shelter, and that it was a feud with Tianzhao Great God, it was absolutely impossible to kill two people and take away the treasure from it. Jiang Du Shen Mu immediately turned to leave with his hands.
Avril took a breath and suddenly pointed to Chen Han and cried, "Dragon God, I saved you, didn’t I?" Help me kill this bastard! "
"You saved the dragon predecessors, but predecessors also saved you once, we are even. At least we are all from Yanhuang. Do you think he will help you kill me? "
"That’s not certain." Ying Long’s response made someone collapse.
"Elder, what if I said it was possible to help you lift the second seal?"
"You … impossible!"
"There is no absolute impossibility in the world."
Chen Han glanced at Avril Lavigne and laughed: "It’s like the ancestor worshipped by the blood clan, who thinks he is above the world, isn’t he dead?"
Chapter 148 Taikoo Mi Xin
Chen Han’s words made Avril angry, and even Yinglong showed a look of indecision, which made Chen Han vaguely guess something.
It obviously doesn’t know about it, and according to this calculation, it is likely to be sealed before the war between the gods and demons.
"Elder, how long have you been sealed? What happened to make you sealed by the sky? " Chen cold asked out the doubts in my heart.
"Tell me first, is Cain really dead?"
"Not dead, theoretically dead, the body is sealed in a stone, but from the inscription on the tombstone, it seems that there is still a chance to resurrect."
"Tombstone? Inscription? What the hell happened? "
Ying Long’s doubts were quickly answered. What happened in the death basin at the beginning was told as if it were cold, except for the secret that the stones could not be seen with eyes.
As he expected, Ying Long didn’t know these things, and his eyes became very strange after hearing about them.
There are also countless doubts in my heart, and I quickly asked: "Elder, do you know who killed those people?" Whose is that big arm? What do you mean by losing the celestial world? "
As if lost in a long memory, with Ying Long’s explanation, a shocking ancient mystery surfaced.
According to Ying Long’s comparison with the relevant time in the death basin, it has been sealed for more than 100,000 years. At that time, the universe was not what it is today.
That’s right!
Not only the planet where they live, but the whole universe has undergone great changes, but this planet that is pregnant with human beings is the source star of that world.
Many years ago, there was no so-called fix true realm and no so-called celestial realm. This universe is the settlement of all practitioners.
The vast universe spanning hundreds of millions of light years breeds countless planets, many of which are suitable for life.
In a more distant era, perhaps hundreds of millions of years, perhaps billions of years, even the ancestors of Yinglong didn’t know it. At that time, the original life began to be born on the source star, which was ten million times bigger than it is now. These lives evolved from low to high, and finally they had the ability to practice.
Although this planet is very large, with a large number of natural resources and treasures, and has a strong aura, with the continuous increase and promotion of practitioners, the resources on the planet are obviously not enough.
They expanded outward with this planet as the center, occupied those planets suitable for survival across the starry sky, and constantly produced more offspring.
This is the so-called forgotten fairy world.
At that time, the universe was not affected by the rules of heaven and earth, and the realm of cultivation could be continuously improved. From the most ordinary human beings to the most powerful immortal, they all lived in the same universe.
At that time, it was not called the universe or the forgotten celestial world, but the real celestial world.
However, all intelligent lives have one thing in common, that is, greed and selfishness. From the very beginning, there was a division of strength and power. With the continuous expansion, the universe is gradually divided into countless large and small forces. After endless years of continuous campaigns, small and medium-sized forces are gradually annexed by powerful forces.
In the end, there are only two forces left in the whole celestial world, one is Terran-based, supplemented by demon clan, and the other is inferno-based, mixed with a lot of monsters.
The so-called monsters, including a relatively small number of blood clan, lich, mage and so on, are extremely complex and comprehensive forces.
"The two major forces have been confronted for many years, and I lived in that era."
Ying Long sighed faintly and said, "Until the Oracle of Heaven appeared, it was said that this world would be forgotten, and all practitioners could enter two other different worlds according to their cultivation. One is called the fix true realm, and the other is a brand-new celestial realm, so this universe has become a forgotten celestial realm, and more than 90% practitioners have poured into new space. My people left at that time, and on my way to the new celestial world, I was intercepted by my enemy and seriously injured, and fled to Yuanxing to meet Tianzhao. "
Opening the light, moving the heart, then, Yuan Ying, out-of-body experience, distraction, fitness, Du Jie and Mahayana, except for the foundation period of the real realm of repairing the truth, the way of repairing the truth is divided into nine orders, which is the strength division that has survived since Ying Long’s time.

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