But an indisputable fact on the other side is that himl is his friend, not her, and he doesn’t want to share it with her. So now Bruno can lie.


I have a new friend. He met a new friend I meet every day. He may be waiting for me now, but you can’t tell anyone.
Because he is a fantasy friend of mine, Bruno said that it is very embarrassing to try to look like himself, just like Liutrent kotler talked about himself when he was in his Swiss father, and we played together every day.
Gretel stared at him with his mouth wide open, and then burst into laughter at an imaginary friend. She shouted, Are you too old to imagine a friend?
Bruno tried to make himself look shy and embarrassed, so that his story would sound more credible. He tossed and turned in bed and didn’t look into her eyes because it was a trick. He felt that his acting was not bad. He hoped that he could make himself blush, but it was difficult to do so. So he searched his brains to recall things that had embarrassed him. He wondered if these things could be cheated.
He thought that once he forgot to lock the washing door, his grandmother happened to come in and saw everything. Once in class, he raised his hand and called the teacher the mother’s class. Once again, he performed difficult moves in front of several girls. He fell from the car and scraped his knee. He also cried.
One of the events started, and he blushed.
Look at you. Gretel said it proved that he succeeded. You’re blushing.
Because I don’t want to tell you, Bruno said
An imaginary friend. Honestly, Bruno, you are hopeless.
Bruno smiled because he came to two conclusions. First, he told the lie perfectly. Second, if there is a hopeless person here, it’s not him.
Leave me alone. He said I want to see it.
Well, why don’t you lie down and close your eyes and let you fantasize about your friends? Gretel said while enjoying herself, because she caught him by a pigtail and wouldn’t give up in a hurry to find something for herself.
Maybe I should send him to throw your dolls out the window, he said
If you dare, you’ll be in big trouble. Gretel said he knew what she meant. Well, tell me Bruno, what are you doing with this imaginary friend? Why is he so special?
Bruno thought for a moment. He thought that himl could describe it or tell her that himl was real.
We talked about everything, and he told her that I would tell him that we were at home in Berlin, at our neighbor’s house, at the street, at the vegetable and water shop, at the cafe, and told him that the road on Saturday afternoon was almost packed, and that Carl Daniel Martin, the best friends of my generation, was also returned.
It’s funny that Gretel sarcastically said that because she will have her thirteenth birthday in a few days, she thought irony was a high expression of maturity. So what did he tell you?
He told me that his family’s watch shop, where he lives, happened all the way here, and he also had friends and people he knew here, and some boys who used to play together suddenly disappeared without saying goodbye to him.
He sounds full of jokes. Gretel said, I really hope he is my imaginary friend.
Yesterday, he told me that he hadn’t seen his grandfather for a long time, and no one knew where he had gone. Whenever he asked about his father, his father would cry and hug him tightly, and he was very afraid that he would die of breathing.
Bruno said these words and found that his voice was very calm. These are all things that himl told him. At that time, he couldn’t understand why his friend was so sad. But now when he has talked about these things, he feels that he didn’t say anything to cheer himl up at that time, but he said something stupid. Now he feels so wrong. I want to apologize to him. He tells himself.
Father knows that you are chatting with imaginary friends, and you will be called to the office by him. Gretel said, I think you should stop.
What Bruno asked
Because it’s unhealthy, she said it was the first sign of madness.
Bruno nodded. I don’t think I can stop. After a long pause, he said, I don’t want to do this.
Yeah, it’s all the same. Gretel said she was getting more and more friendly at this time. I’m you. I won’t tell anyone.
Well, Bruno said it was pathetic. You may be right. You won’t tell anyone, will you?
She shook her head and won’t tell anyone except my imaginary friend.
Bruno gasped, so did you, he asked. Imagine her chatting with a girl her age on the other side of the wire. They both sneered at the room.
No, she’s joking. I’m thirteen years old. God, I can’t do stupid things like a child like you.
She left the room in a hurry. Bruno could hear her talking to the dolls in her room across the hall. She was scolding the dolls for making a mess while she was away and had to rearrange them when she came back. Did they realize that she had nothing to do?
People are very disobedient. She talks loudly and then plays with those dolls.
Bruno wants to bring his thoughts back to him, but now he has lost interest. He looks at the rain outside the window and thinks about himl. He doesn’t know where he is. Does Bruno miss each other as much as he does and relive their conversation?
Chapter 15 He shouldn’t do things

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