They investigated various places in the safe haven, including shopping malls, vegetable markets and restaurants. There was a large skating rink. At dawn, he and Xia Mi tried skating.


Xia Mi got up and stretched herself, with a beautiful curve. Even in winter clothes, she couldn’t hide her side head, but she couldn’t help saying, "Brother, have you ever gone out with girls before?"
Chuhang wanted to think "yes"
"Where are they going?"
Xia Mi asked.
"Aquarium, cinema, dining"
Chuhang replied in a serious way that it was strange that Xia Mi asked this question.
Xia Mi’s eyes were weird. "Brother … why do you want to go to those places with them?"
Chuhang said without thinking, "I went to the aquarium … I remember it was because I wanted to make a report on marine life. The girl and I went to a cinema … to thank the cheerleader for helping us cheer …"
Xia Mi covered her forehead with a face of language, and actually she did.
Until today, she really understood how straight Chuhang was.
Everything in this wooden mind is simple. Because I want to give a report, I will take the girl to the aquarium. Thanks, I will invite people to watch movies for dinner.
She was wrong. She shouldn’t think normally to judge Chuhang.
She still remembers Chuhang, the aquarium, telling herself that the male seahorse was like putting a baby seahorse in a pouch to raise it, which made her laugh.
At that moment, she really thought she had succeeded.
Would a normal person tell a girl such a suggestive topic in a dating shrine without any suggestive meaning?
She can express her implicit confession by Chuhang, but … Chuhang hasn’t contacted herself since he finished his paper.
"Brother, do you know where you are taking them?"
Xia Mi confirmed again.
Chuhang suddenly a little cramped. Did he do something wrong before?
"What … place?"
"That’s the three major places for dating, the cinema and the aquarium."
Xia Mi Science Popularization Road "The cinema is very dark, and girls will naturally have a sense of dependence on you. If you watch horror movies, you can naturally hold the girl’s hand. Visiting the aquarium shows that you are gentle and like animals. There is a mystery of two people being alone in a blue submarine tunnel. You have nearly half an hour to walk in that long tunnel, which is enough for a boy to make a turtle cry!"
Chu Hang’s forehead was sweating, and I don’t know if it was because he had just exercised "What should move the turtle?"
Xia Mi froze. She didn’t expect Chuhang brain circuit to be here.
"That’s not the point, is it?"
She wants to go home to her brother.
Chu Hang asked curiously, "Is there another one of the three holy places?"
He wants to make sure whether there are any girls who have won the bid before. He won’t accidentally seduce so many people but then "abandon them in chaos", right?
Xia Mi took two steps forward with his hands behind his back and smiled mysteriously. "What do you think, brother?"
Chuhang picked up the basketball and prepared to go back with them.
After thinking about what happened half a day ago, he finally couldn’t help but ask, "What did my sister just say to me?"
Xia Mi left the pie mouth. "I mean … you have regressed."
The last five words are as fine as mosquitoes and flies covered by cold wind, and even Chuhang didn’t hear them clearly.
Xia Mi finished and quickened his pace.
Even before, you went to a "serious" place, but today you are on your own … Then play ball!
Chuhang stamped in situ for two seconds and thought hard about what Xia Mi’s last vague five words were.
He guessed with super high IQ that the girl’s mind was completely defeated. Xia Mi was right about one thing. He was brainwashed by his parents. When he came out with Xia Mi today, he treated each other as a heterosexual.
Therefore, he will promise Xia Mi to go skating with her during the day. They should be spying, not coming out to play.
He played ball late because … He remembered that the girls in Shilan Middle School seemed to like watching themselves play ball …
Things to himself, he suddenly found himself incredibly … It is better to Liu Xiong!
Unfortunately, there is no signal now, otherwise you can ask Brother Caesar what he did wrong.
When ChuHang stupidly suddenly heard Xia Mi screaming.
Basketball landing strong breeze crossed a pair of harsh golden pupils. It was so eye-catching in the dark, but in an instant, he rushed to Xia Mi’s side. The other side looked around warily.
"Is school sister all right?"
Chu Hangxin asked
"No … nothing"
Xia Mi has a lingering fear.
"What did you just see?"
Chuhang didn’t understand that he didn’t see anything.
Xia Mi pretended to calm his breath. "I just saw … Odin."
She didn’t lie. She just exclaimed that she had acting skills, but she was really scared for a moment.
At the corner of a Khrushchev building, she heard thunderous horseshoes at first, and then saw the momentum of being wrapped in a shroud. Odin’s eyes were burning and he was staring at himself. He had raised his hand and Gonul was about to throw it.
After her judgment, she exclaimed that the figure of Odin disappeared before Chuhang could catch him.
Chuhang was alert and looked around. His muscles were tense and he was ready to burst into flames, but he found nothing unusual.
"Brother didn’t hear the sound just now?"
Xia Mi asks.
"What sound?"
Although Chu Hang was distracted just now, the half-blood monarch’s perception was still so pronounced that he could not have missed it.
Xia Mi has a lingering fear. "Let’s hurry back and inform Brother Lu."
Her heart is thinking that this Nibelungen is becoming more and more interesting, and I don’t know what human beings are building here.

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