Sun Wu’s words flashed through Du Yu’s mind. He tried his best to control his anger and let their violent state condense as much as possible and explode violently.


A long and distant "gas" is ejected from the solid little ass in Du Yu to form a white air mass.
I am most afraid of sudden silence.
After a long time, the aftertaste of the poor "qi" dissipated and faded. Du Yu’s face also became less beautiful
However, Du Yu didn’t give up. He adjusted his condition again and prepared for a second attempt.
Ideal is plump, but reality is always skinny.
According to the animation, Sun Wufan can understand it in just a moment according to this method and touch the threshold of becoming a super Saiyan.
And Du Yu, the same Saiyan, practiced hard all day, even if he didn’t feel anything.
The only reward he got was the endless aftertaste of poverty-fart.
Du Yu learn from this lesson. He sat cross-legged on the miserable white floor and scattered the "qi" in the last residual gas.
"Damn it! What went wrong? "
Du Yu guessed the obstacles that could affect his transformation into a super Saiyan.
"Anger value is not enough? The gas level is too low? Blood is too low? Or is the method root wrong? "
Du Yu didn’t help him analyze when he didn’t play at the moment, and Du Xue didn’t help him solve it
It’s not easy to find a way to become a super Saiyan by himself.
Du Yu tossed his head and put these thoughts behind him.
When he entered the spirit, the purpose of his house was to improve his strength to deal with the Bick demon king who ravaged the Dragon Ball world.
At present, the dragon ball world time axis is almost the enemy of Bike Devil.
If we don’t get rid of him this morning, it will cause even more unimaginable plot changes
Dragon Ball World is a huge world, and its value to Du Yu is self-evident.
It is possible that he will definitely return to the Dragon Ball World in the future.
For cuckoo, the Great Devil Sobik must solve the trouble.
To solve the problem, you need to increase your fighting capacity by 3, so you can be sure enough to defeat him.
It is more practical to improve combat effectiveness so quickly than to explore the way to become a super Saiyan.
In other words, by constantly improving combat effectiveness, one day Du Yu will be able to understand the method of transforming into a super Saiyan.
"In that case, concentrate on your own practice first!"
The idea that you’ll cross the bridge when you hit the water Du Yu taught him to practice again.
Master Roshi and others stared at the old-fashioned video screen with a dignified expression.
There is a live broadcast of the speech of Bick Demon King.
"Today is my first day as a king to celebrate my becoming a new king!"
Bick Archdemon king’s cold voice made Master Roshi tremble.
"I will choose a city and completely destroy it like the western capital!"
Master Roshi’s crutches thumped the floor and made a dull sound, which made Buma Kelin and others all feel repetitive.
They have learned the origin of Bick Devil from Master Roshi.
Naturally, they also know the terror of Bick.
"Damn it! This damn beast! " Buma growled angrily at the Dojo, except for Master Roshi, who hated Bick, and Buma’s father and daughter hated Bick.
After all, Bick is the murderer who destroyed Xidu.
Master Roshi coldly stared at the big demon king Bick, and there was a refusal in his eyes.
He thought of his teacher, Mr. Wu Taidou.
At that time, Mr. Wu Taidou sealed the Bick Devil with his own life.
Now Bick is born again.
As the successor of Wu Taidou’s will, he must come out at this moment.
"My old bones … It’s time to play his residual heat!"
Chapter two hundred and forty-six East Capital
In the live broadcast, the photographer trembled, which made the fixed pictures shake a little.
Pale-faced, the host quivered brilliantly and held a lottery box with balls representing various cities in front of the Bick Devil directly opposite the camera.
"I’m going to smoke!" Bick’s demon king moves very slowly and understands human fears. He deliberately creates a frightening atmosphere like this.
"Which city will be my target? ! Are you full of expectations like me! "
Live everyone secretly cursed the Bick Devil, but no one dared to offend him. Because of his resistance to the Bick Devil Director and others, their bodies were still tired, and the corridor was dyed red outside the live broadcast.
Bick Devil’s withered hand kept stirring back and forth in the lottery box. In front of the live TV, all the audience on the earth and all the hearts of the people were uneasy with the rolling of the ball number.
"Hey hey! That’s it! "
As Bick’s hand was drawn from the lottery box, all eyes fell on the ball.
Who is it? Who is today’s "darling"? Will never see the sun again!

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