The end of heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, the spirit, the exile, the eternal imprisonment, the true qi of the heavens, the end of the day, just as Meng Fei broke through the ice and the true qi, Taitai Di was ready to show her magic again.


This time, he actually showed his true spirit again.
On the top of Meng Fei’s head, a six-pointed star appears. It seems that the pattern is a large array. The six corners of the six-pointed star represent the soul of life and death respectively.
This is the extremely high form of life
The true spirit of life, Taitai Di, suddenly drank four words when the six-pointed star pattern is now on Meng Fei’s head. These four-word syllables are old and heavy, and every word he shot a crystal mountain and burned it violently into the six-pointed star mountain.
The six-pointed star mountain is more and more prosperous as if covering heaven and earth.
Meng Fei, my life qi has been cultivated into the final form. My life qi is now a thousand years old. I have spent four thousand years to completely suppress you. It’s a good death if you can make my life qi.
It’s horrible to say that every word consumes a thousand years’ life.
Shit, Meng Fei was just about to urge Tiandiwang to escape, but there was no place here. It seems that the roots are endless and he lost the sense of the outside world
No, this is the equivalent of an independent world in a chaotic secret world. I have to find a way to get there. I was trapped here for thousands of years before I found a mysterious point and got away.
You can’t go even if you don’t find a point to destroy the virtual treasure. Why would I choose to be here is because you are so wonderful in the list of gods, and you are also a warrior star like the King of Heaven and Earth, and you have plundered enough Lingxing stones to escape at any time. Now I’ll see how you escape.
A surname, mighty sound, and the six-pointed star seal landed in Meng Fei and went to Meng Fei in the vast sound. Even if he didn’t even display a little skill, he was suddenly sealed in it.
Hua Hua
The six-pointed star patterned an array and completely sealed Meng Fei.
The final form of the true qi of life is called the end of life, just as the world has come to an end and eventually life will disappear.
It took Taitai Di 4,000 years to display his magical power, which is unbreakable.
As soon as Meng Fei was sealed, he felt that his skill department was imprisoned, and his magical powers were frozen. He also stopped practicing several kinds of true qi, but his creativity was not affected.
But he knew that it would take 2000 years to break the seal by exerting the creative force, and he could not stand the consumption now.
Although he refined the six-eye tablet of broken souls, he added some lost life by absorbing the three flavors of qi from the divination furnace, but if he lost half his life again, it would really be impossible to add it back. The foundation was damaged and the law was practiced forever.
He dare not exert his creative power.
What about Meng Fei? This doomsday life is too fierce. Our roots are that we can’t even move our skills, and we can’t even move the gods’ list. Jinlong has an obscure spiritual fluctuation and handed it to Meng Fei’s mind
After being suppressed by the other party, Meng Fei felt that his thoughts seemed to be running slowly, and many Jinlong’s spiritual fluctuations were intermittent
The six gods in the list of deities, except Ziyu, are still struggling to break the seal, and several other gods seem to have been imprisoned and generally can’t exert a little strength.
Their magical powers, their magical powers, their thoughts have been completely suppressed, and now they are like flies and mosquitoes in amber.
Meng Fei, if it weren’t for the creative force, his mind would never move again now.
And Jinlong, if it is not a deity, it is impossible to convey obscure spiritual fluctuations.
At this moment, a platform deity once again flew a mask, which was washed by the poor light from the suppressed Meng Fei’s head and penetrated into Meng Fei’s body, and then changed into tens of millions of silk threads and penetrated into every pore and every inch of Meng Fei’s body.
This is the art of refining the art of fighting God of War in Xiaoyao Palace, and Taidi has practiced it extremely profoundly. Now he wants to refine Meng Fei in this way and completely control Meng Fei.
Meng Fei at this moment also felt each other’s free and unfettered force penetrated into his body, and suddenly the creation force was shaken and circulated in the body, and the other party’s free and unfettered force was constantly shattered.
Creative power to protect the body is not a wave of life.
Hum, I’ll see how long you can change your fingers. A million lingxing stones emerge from your body and burn into your avatar.
Immediately enveloped Meng Fei mask a big ten times.
The power of refining treasure tactic is also ten times greater.
A Taidi is a god-class peak, stronger than a free and unfettered chair, and such fairy devices are now in an independent closed room, and even more afraid of Meng Fei’s escape, you can rest assured that you can boldly sacrifice them.
Without Wan Initiating a new spirit, he is eyeing up. He exerts his own strength. Meng Feigen is not an opponent. He can be suppressed and accepted by his refining.
His body is practicing a variety of qi of the heavens, each of which is of great power. Meng Fei seriously doubts that his body is not only practicing so many qi, but also the qi of the heavens.
Every kind of qi of the heavens is cultivated to the extreme enough to create a sect to dominate the interstellar universe.
And this Taitai Di has cultivated so many true qi of the heavens and cultivated them all to the extreme, which is simply abnormal and I don’t know where he got the adventure.
Meng Fei is now practicing to the extreme qi and the five elements of qi. These two other qi are still small.
It takes decades for each kind of cultivation to meet many adventures before it can finally succeed.
Meng Fei decided to get away today and must practice every kind of true qi in his body to the extreme, but now the crisis seems to have completely come to his head, and no amount of true qi can practice.
A Taidi is trying to refine him.
Free and unfettered palace refined treasure tactic in each other’s urging fierce interstellar storm poured down and penetrated into Meng Fei’s body and into the sea of his knowledge.
We should completely control his mind.
And his body was suppressed, and the avatar department could not move at all. Although the creative force could operate, it would be too much damage to break the suppression.

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