But naturally, pigs who give things to heaven dare not play tricks. They are all real fruits.


One day, after eating two bananas, Chen Xuanzang, with an explosive hair and poor clothes, led a spectre into the restaurant.
Chen Xuanzang walked in and looked around at the restaurant.
He doesn’t act like he’s here for dinner, and the nervousness in his eyes shows that he’s like an ordinary man who broke into the gang headquarters
Chen Xuanzang’s exorcist is not effective enough. It is flattering to say that he is half-toned.
But it is no problem to see through some smoke screen.
The restaurant is a heavy smoke screen.
The roast suckling pig in the oven is wrapped in a corpse, and the guests in the hall are also complaining at the table. Those meals are all changed by snakes, insects, rats and ants
Chen Xuanzang’s ability to remain calm is also due to his excellent psychological quality.
Is to see the day when Chen Xuanzang line of sight can not help but stagnate a.
In the restaurant, other people and objects, Chen Xuanzang, will have another look in their eyes, but from the perspective of heaven, he is a real person.
And that fruit he eat is real fruit.
Chen Xuanzang’s mind moved towards the sky.
The fourth chapter even people are demon people.
"Little monk Chen Xuanzang! Yes, sir! "
Although Chen Xuanzang is a Buddhist lay brother now, it is no problem for him to call himself a little monk.
"What can I do for you?"
Day casually asked.
He came here to see the play, and it was really unexpected that Chen Xuanzang would come and talk to him.
"Sir, can you leave first?"
Chen Xuanzang said this to the sky and then went on to say
"There will be a fight here soon. It’s very dangerous. You will be injured by accident if you stay here."
This monster’s den is too maverick to be a simple person at first glance.
Although Chen Xuanzang is naive, he is not a fool. He can also see that it is not simple.
But whether the sky is simple or not does not prevent Chen Xuanzang from treating him as a human being.
Chen Xuanzang will give him advice at this time.
"Nothing can hurt my character yet," said Tian Yi with a flat face.
Chen Xuanzang saw the sky like this, so he seriously emphasized that "there are monsters here"
"I know!" Calm response
Chen Xuanzang continued, "Monsters will eat people. The roast suckling pigs in those ovens are all wrapped in human bodies. Now there is no living person here except you and me."
"I know" the day continued to respond calmly.
"Aren’t you afraid?" Chen Xuanzang nai asked
It’s natural and normal to keep this attitude if God doesn’t believe it, but it’s natural to believe what he said when you look at God.
But it’s still so calm that it doesn’t seem to matter at all.
"Afraid of what?" Heaven asks

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