"But I can’t help it. If I had a way, I would have made you a military commander!"


"I can make you a military commander, and I can make you the strongest. Before Wu Zong, you can do what I want." However, a sudden sentence rang here.
This let two people got a fright.
Therefore, there are no other people and creatures in the land. Besides, this place is obviously a relatively open place and there are no so-called obstacles around it.
Once someone speaks, it’s impossible to speak so clearly!
"Who the hell is who?" In the end, the tiger was a little like a newborn calf
Get up the courage to say it.
And after what he said, he was scared by that uncle Yan.
He is very white, no matter who they are, they are not to be taunted. If the conversation is offended, it is likely to lead to death.
It doesn’t matter if he dies. Anyway, he has lived for most of his life.
But Tiger is just now, and his talent can support him to achieve a higher level of fighters.
"Please forgive us for offending us unintentionally. I hope you can give us a choice. Are there any conditions?" This Yanshuyuan, who was drunk at this time, was forced out by his qi and blood.
It’s kind of to get yourself back to normal quickly instead of being in a daze.
Even if it consumes qi and blood, it doesn’t matter
He is more interested in tiger’s life safety than restoring qi and blood.
This is that responsibility entrust to him by his parents.
"Well, there are natural conditions, that is, after achieving the strongest side in the world, we must believe in our dragon god and let everyone act as our dragon god believers."
"Dragon God?" The two uncles are a little confused.
They thought a lot of things, but they didn’t think of this one anyway
What do they think? It may be that some big bad guys are trying to subvert the flying dragon world and try to manipulate him to get this world, but it doesn’t make sense. It will enable them to achieve military commanders and even martial arts. Isn’t that something they can do themselves?
When an uncle and an nephew hesitate, it is also a matter of thinking when they talk face to face.
The man is naturally Yang Guang, but not the world of fighters.
It is also not Yang Guangren who talks to them.
But a projection of his world.
Because this world is small, but it is obvious that there are rules of heaven to restrain Yang Guang, and he can’t let him directly come to this dragon world.
He has a hunch that if he wants to enter this dragon kingdom, it may lead to the collapse of the dragon kingdom, and it may also endanger his own way.
Because this is detrimental to the so-called merit.
Naturally, he can’t force his way in
And reached the so-called guanyu level will not be able to enter.
At most, it is called Wu Zong.
However, there is a little problem that the general martial arts will also be limited in their strength when they enter here, and the number of martial arts in this world is not particularly small
Of course, it’s still not a big problem for Yang Guang to want to kill them, but he didn’t come to destroy this dragon world but wanted to be incorporated.
The best way is to benefit the world’s indigenous people and gain their beliefs.
If you have the so-called belief in this world, you can force or "take a shortcut" to send Wu Sheng here.
When the time comes, it will be a complete acquisition of this world belief, and at the same time, it will be able to acquire this world dimension to add fighters to the world.
The progress of the original dimension of the ascending warrior world
I don’t know, it’s like swallowing everything in this dragon world and reaching the warrior world. Of course, it’s not just swallowing one, but it will feed back.
It’s just that it took a long time to feed back.
And when the time comes, it will be tied to the world of fighters.
"What are the advantages and disadvantages of our belief in the Dragon God?" It wasn’t long before the uncle Yan went into a cavity again.
However, he said so, which made the tiger, who had a little sense of justice, very ignorant.

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