At the same time, Yang Guang felt that a cool back was followed by a wet back …


Chapter 51 Long-term
Physical paralysis is almost unconscious!
But Yang guang know back must be a bloody!
However, I escaped the blow. What about the blow?
Yang guang didn’t half grasp watched escape has looked at he finally turned my head!
"Even if you go to die, you will have a hard time!"
Yang guang was staring at the man-eating flower feet in front of him, but it was difficult to move to the bone pile. A few pieces of branches that had not been cleaned up and were still smoking.
Aren’t you afraid of fire?
Labor and capital make you often swallow charcoal today!
Yang guang wants to know clearly that since he escapes, he will die anyway, even if he retaliates, he can’t make cannibals feel better!
As he expected, just as Yang Guang was ready to kick the smoking branches into the mouth of the man-eating flowers, the man-eating flowers came roaring again!
Before Yang Guang kicked the foot branches to the man-eating flowers, Yang Guang saw a white light twinkling from a distance!
That white light is as dazzling as sunlight, stinging your eyes. Even if the root didn’t look at it, Yang Guang was stung by this white light for a while and had to close his eyes.
At the same time, the white light raised like friction and swept everything directly with a monstrous power!
In less than a second, Yang Guang felt that the sky was falling, and generally the whole person was unstable like a shaking of his feet.
However, this feeling soon stopped and it was accompanied by silence!
Yang guang couldn’t help but open his eyes. What man-eating flowers are there in front of him? Instead, it turned out to be a long gap about ten meters long and about a foot deep!
This … this …
Everything in front of me makes Yang Guang speak in French, which is a kind of power to cause such a shocking effect?
"You this little is the martial arts school? How dare a person run around? If I hadn’t found out, you would have become a flower fat! Hurry back to your team. If it’s getting late, you’ll die! "
Just as Yang Guang stared at the huge gap in front of him, he suddenly remembered a Hongliang man.
Listening to this man, he should be about forty years old, but his voice is not loud, but he gives people a bright and clear feeling.
Yang guang couldn’t help looking towards the sound to see a man wearing a Chinese tunic suit but holding a long silver knife not far behind him!
There is no denying that Zhongshan is equipped with a long knife … What do you think about this dress? How do you feel uncomfortable?
However, this is what Yang Guangchu felt at first sight.
But when he looked at it for the second time, he felt that the picture was so integrated!
Not bad!
Is integration!
It seems that everything in the world is integrated with this person, and it feels not only that there is no sense of disobedience, but also that it should feel this way.
Before Yang Guang could speak, the man yi again as if talking to himself and Yang Guang.
"No, you’re not even a martial arts warrior. It’s just a quasi-fighter … but Qi and blood are well-kept, tut tut, and it’s more than 300 K! Well, it’s probably the younger generation of the martial arts family! "
The Chinese tunic suit man did not leave immediately, but glided towards Yang Guang like a bird.
Yang Guangzao has already been stunned by the roaring of the long Dao!
Isn’t that the symbol of the realm of the Middle Wu Sect?
Yang guang didn’t expect that he met the first Wu zong, but in this different world instead of wishing the world.
Although a little excited in my heart, Yang Guang was a little worried for a moment.
Someone appears, doesn’t that mean that the secret of this light hole has been discovered?
You know, he’s still counting on making a fortune while no one finds out about the light hole. If the light hole is exposed, won’t his original plan be ruined?
Although he has gained a lot from coming to a different world this time, the thought of Yang Guang, a crowd swarming in the future, has a feeling that his own money has been divided up by others, and even middle-aged people have drifted to him without realizing it.
"Small which one? It’s not bad to keep your blood warm. This time, following your adult into another world is intended to temper your muscles with the pressure of another world, right? " The middle-aged man casually looked at Yang Guang, and then his eyes fell not far away. Yang Guangchang’s blade laughed. "I didn’t see that he was still playing with a knife!"
He bit the word "play" very hard, and the meaning was very obvious. It seemed to him that Dao Yang Guang had a toy in his hand instead of a weapon.
Yang guang naturally recognized the deep meaning in the middle-aged male words. Although some people were not angry, they didn’t show it.
After all, it’s normal for a fool to see that someone just saved his life and that someone taught a lesson from Wu Zong that even fighters are not fighters, so he must also thank him with a straight face.
Of course, Yang Guang can also hear it from the middle-aged male words. The middle-aged man must have misunderstood him. What is his background, such as the second generation of Wu? Otherwise, it is impossible to dare to run to a different world without even breaking through the fighters.
However, Yang Guang will not be stupid enough to sign up, although he himself knows that he is too lazy to take a look at this little family, so it is just curious to ask.
In fact, although budo Dachang was only twenty or thirty years old, there were really many big shots among the older generation of fighters.

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